Nobody believes that the UFF and the UDA are distinct organisations...

A newly-discovered declassified document contains a paper prepared by the NIO on 17 July 1992. It discusses the fact that the UFF was in fact the UDA, which was proscribed less than a month later. The fact is they always knew that the UFF, since it emerged on 9 June 1973, was never a separate organisation. The document reads: The...

British Govt Legal Advice on UDA roadblocks

Orwellian legal advice on UDA roadblocks from 1972 Advice note from Ministry of Home Affairs dated 22 August 1972 (by this date the duties of this Ministry had been taken over by the Northern Ireland Office) which seeks to retrospectively justify UDA roadblocks which were frequent throughout Belfast and elsewhere in the summer of 1972. The advice note states that...

FCO87-1207 - Telegram to FCO from Sir Leonard Figg, British Ambassador to Dublin, re proscription of the UDA, 2 February 1982

In this telegram, Figg reported Irish media reactions to Andy Tyrie's statement that the UDA was a counter-terrorist organisation that would be prepared to pursue terrorists across the border. He was clearly anxious that Tyrie's statement had, once again, put UDA proscription on the political agenda.

CJ4 3963. Memo to David Wyatt (MI6's man in Belfast) from David Blatherwick, 19 October 1981

In this memo, Blatherwick claims that neither Ministers nor officials have had direct dealings with persons or organisations involved in paramilitary activity 'in recent years.' A closed file in Kew, however, gives the lie to that statement. The file's reference and title is: CJ4 3963, Meetings and contacts with UDA leadership 1976-79. In an earlier memo it was claimed that...

CJ4-4198 - Memo to PWJ Buxton from Stephen Boys-Smith re meeting with Chief Constable, 12 January 1982

Boys-Smith's memo reported on his meeting with the Chief Constable the previous day. He [the Chief Constable] had received intelligence that the UDA was planning to kill 15 IRA members. The police had taken some preventive measures but they might not succeed due to fear of exposing the source of the information. The Chief Constable complained about the government's failure...

CJ4-3963 - Memo from Colin Davenport to Mr. Fergusson - 22 September 1981

Following renewed calls for the proscription of the UDA on the basis that the UDA and the UFF were 'one and the same' Davenport noted that that UDA had denied any connection with the UFF. He continued cynically: 'In terms of the politics of proscription, we have always regarded the existence of such denials as more important than their accuracy.'

An internal briefing paper headed 'A Guide to Paramilitary and Associated Organisations' dated 2 September 1976 - the UFF is fictitious.(No file ref.)

This document also states that Andy Tyrie was 'not averse to killing Catholics, even those who have no Republican connections, if he thinks it necessary at any particular point in time.'

Memo to Lt Col Pownall, MoD from JF Howe, Civil Adviser to GOC re UDR - Membership of UDA, 31 July 1972

In this memo examples are given of possible joint membership of the UDR and UDA. Howe goes on to state: ' One important (but unspoken) function of the UDR is to channel into a constructive and disciplined direction Protestant energies which might otherwise become disruptive...it would be counter-productive to discharge a UDR member solely on the grounds that he was...

CJ4-4198 - Memo to PWJ Buxton from Stephen Boys-Smith re possible proscription of UDA in light of recent discovery of arms and ammunition at its HQ - 2nd June 1981

A rather telling memo that illustrates the British Government's ambiguity to the UDA: 'The UDA was not engaged in violence although it might be ready to resort to or encourage violence in extreme situations. Boys-Smith noted that the Secretary of State was anxious that the Government and police be seen as even-handed. He had noted that there had been no...

CJ4-3734 - Memo to unknown recipient from James Allan re Andy Tyrie - 24 March 1975

In a follow-up to his meeting with Tyrie, James Allan sent a memo to a recipient whose name has been redacted. He reported on Tyrie's personal security concerns and his request for help in procuring a firearms certificate. Allan had suggested that Tyrie's bodyguard might be able to obtain one. Tyrie later rang Allan who told him to apply immediately...