

A new article by Anne Cadwallader for Declassified UK on the murders at Sean Graham's on Belfast's Ormeau Road, and the key question - What is the PSNI trying to hide?

London's Proposals to Bar Access to Justice Rejected

The Northern Ireland ‘amnesty’: Hiding Britain’s ‘misdeeds’? A proposed sweeping amnesty that would stop all investigations into crimes committed during the Troubles, including those by the British military, threatens to thwart the pursuit of truth and justice for victims’ families. History shows...

Statement on behalf of the family of John Patrick Cunningham, on the passing of Dennis Hutchings

Following the death of former soldier Dennis Hutchings, the family of John Pat Cunningham wish to acknowledge that this is a difficult time for his family and they should be given time to grieve. No family member will be giving interviews at this time. When the time is judged appropriate the family...

Equality Commission investigation into the NIO Legacy Bill

The Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) and Pat Finucane Centre (PFC) have welcomed a report from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI - published today 29 September) that concludes the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) breached its Equality Scheme in relation to its proposed...

Complaint to Bar Council of England & Wales re. Brandon Lewis from family of Billy McGreanery

We, the family of William Mc Greanery deceased, are writing to express our grave concern at the proposals by a member of the Bar of England and Wales to close down all access to justice for our family on this the anniversary of his death. Mr Brandon Lewis MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland...

Events to remember Eamon McDevitt

Statement from the family of Eamon McDevitt Today marks 50 years since my brother Eamon was shot and killed by the British army on this street. It also marks 50 years of injustice and 50 years of impunity by the British state.

March for Truth - 50 years later and the fight goes on to find out the truth behind British Army killings and collusion in Northern Ireland

8th August 2021 Yesterday the March for Truth took place on the 50th Anniversary of the Ballymurphy Massacre and the launch of the internment raids. It rained and poured for the duration of the march but no-one was put off. It was unusually warm under the dark clouds, with the warmth matching the...

Legacy Practitioners Open Letter: legacy commitments in NDNA must be returned to

Thursday 17 June 2021 For immediate release An open letter endorsed by human rights NGOs, academics and lawyers raises deep concerns regarding the upcoming Northern Ireland legacy bill put forward in the Queen’s Speech 2021. The current British Government committed in the January 2020 (UK-Ireland)...

‘They tell us to move on, but they won’t let us….’

“I have been trying for weeks to write something about the 40th anniversary of my father’s death, but I can’t. My anger is so real that it stops me. May is a hard month for our family. It comes every year and I feel like I’m holding my breath until it’s over. My father Harry Duffy, known as Harry...

PFC/ JFF Respond to British Government Amnesty claims

Reports have been published in two London newspapers this morning that the British Government intends to introduce legislation which would restrict prosecutions of their soldiers who served in Northern Ireland and which would apply to all conflict participants.