
Statement from the family of John Pat Cunningham after the unveiling of a memorial to Dennis Hutchings at Palace Barracks

This week (20.09.22) the PFC wrote to the NIO seeking a response to the two statements released by the family of John Pat Cunningham, reproduced below. At the family's request we have asked the new Secretary of State, Chris Heaton -Harris, for a response. STATEMENT FROM THE FAMILY OF JOHN PAT...

Kathleen Thompson Inquest Verdict

Firing of two shots by Soldier D- 'Unjustified' Following of the delivery of the Coroner’s findings in the Kathleen Thompson inquest, Fearghal Shiels of Madden & Finucane said: “This is yet another clear illustration that the inquest system is capable of achieving the truth for families seeking...


After over 50 years seeking justice, the Thompson family of Derry were in court to hear a Coroner say their mother, Kathleen, was shot unjustifiably. The Coroner said she could not be satisfied that the British soldier who opened fire honestly believed he was justified.


London’s latest legacy proposals contain nothing for families bereaved in the conflict. No self-respecting judge, police officer/former police officer or historian should touch them with a barge pole. Perpetrators can apply for immunity from prosecution behind closed doors without their evidence...

London's "New" Proposals on Legacy Fall Far Short

The PFC rejects London's latest legacy proposals and calls for implementation of the Stormont House Agreement.


Declassified UK, a key British investigative journalism forum, looks at Micheál Smith's new book on the Ulster Defence Regiment

Book review: UDR Declassified – A damning exposé of how a sectarian organisation was encouraged by the authorities

Micheál Smith’s meticulously researched book reveals just how much the British government knew about the UDR’s links with loyalist paramilitaries

Book review: 'UDR Declassified'

UDR Declassified by Micheál Smith is, without doubt, one of the most important studies dealing with the recent Northern Irish conflict.

The UDR: A potent weapon in Britain’s ‘dirty war’ in Northern Ireland

Declassified files reveal the stunning level of collusion between the regiment and loyalists

UDR Declassified - BBC Talkback 30.03.22

On BBC Radio Ulster's Talkback on 30 March 2022, PFC staffer and author of 'UDR Declassified' discussed the new book with host William Crawley and former UDR man David Crabbe.