
2023 Henry Cunningham Essay Competition

The Pat Finucane Centre is delighted to announce their final Henry Cunningham annual essay competition. This is part of a ten-year award project secured through the Department of Foreign Affairs in memory of Carndonagh teenager Henry Cunningham who was tragically killed in August 1973. This essay is...


This article by Irish Times Northern Editor, Gerry Moriarty, which was first published on 7 February 2021, recalls the trauma experienced by Patricia Devlin who lost both her parents and who was herself lucky to survive the injuries she received in a sectarian gun attack by the so-called Glenanne...


Families bereaved in the conflict gathered at the courts buildings in Belfast on 17 April to say "Yes" to the Good Friday Agreement but a resounding "No" to London's proposals to bar all access to the courts, inquests, civil actions. The "In Their Footsteps" exhibition was on display and attracted...


Senior government advisor, Lord Caine, says there's no impediment to former RUC/PSNI serving as investigators in proposed legacy inquiries. Yet another reason for victims' families to oppose Government plans.

PRESS STATEMENT in relation to the settlement of the Campbell family Civil Case, Monday 21 November 2022

There is something wrong with a society that forces the widow and children of Pat Campbell to have to take legal action against elements of that state to get some small level of satisfaction for the pain and hurt that was visited on the family late in the evening of Monday 29 October 1973 by then...

Cousin of Murder Victim, Sean Brown, speaks out against "Legacy Bill"

The Murder of Sean Brown: Inherited Trauma in Northern Ireland: Twenty-five years have now passed since the murder of my father’s cousin, Sean Brown. The Troubles legacy bill does nothing to heal my family’s inherited trauma.

File with PPS after soldier interview- McGreanery Case Update

This article by Kevin Mullan is from the Derry Journal 16.09.22 A British soldier has been interviewed under caution in connection with the fatal shooting of William McGreanery in 1971. A file has been sent to the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) to consider whether or not charges should be brought...

'Comfortable in his Coffin'

A 10 year-old Belfast boy was killed by a plastic bullet fired by a British soldier in 1975 - one of 17 people who died from this ammunition during The Troubles. A coroner has now slammed the Ministry of Defence for failing to change its Rules of Engagement in time.

'The Impact on our Family was Colossal' Billy McGreanery

This article by Kevin Mullen appeared in the Derry Journal on 19th September 2022 William McGreanery’s nephew says each time he is interviewed about his uncle he is transported back to his 13 year old self. “Everytime you are involved with an interview or something happens you have to take yourself...

'I want the truth of my da's death' Jennifer Duffy

No one was brought to justice for the death of Harry Duffy. Now his family fear new legacy legislation means no one ever will.