Police Ombudsman

Letter to Tánaiste Micheál Martin from Deirdre McHugh, whose father Mick was murdered by loyalists in 1977

Below is the letter that was handed to Tánaiste Micheál Martin at a meeting in Dublin on 18th September 2024 by Deirdre McHugh, outlining her concerns regarding the Legacy Act and ICRIR, and clearly state what would meet her family's needs as victims. We are publishing this letter in full with...

Cousin of Murder Victim, Sean Brown, speaks out against "Legacy Bill"

The Murder of Sean Brown: Inherited Trauma in Northern Ireland: Twenty-five years have now passed since the murder of my father’s cousin, Sean Brown. The Troubles legacy bill does nothing to heal my family’s inherited trauma.

Dalton family response to DUP Westminster debate

Our father, Sean Dalton, died as a result of an IRA bomb in August 1988 in Creggan, Derry, along with his neighbour, Sheila Lewis. Another neighbour, Gerard Curran, passed away some months later. It is known as the ‘Good Samaritan’ case as Sean, Sheila and Gerard had gone to check on a vulnerable...


The PFC provides Advocacy Support to a number of families affected by the revelation that ‘significant, sensitive information’ was not provided by the PSNI to the Police Ombudsman investigation into the murders of their loved ones. Of particular relevance to the PFC is the PONI investigation into...

PFC submission to Committee of Ministers re McKerr & ors v UK

Below is the PFC's recent submission to the Committee of Ministers concerning the McKerr group of cases. We have also attached the statement by the Irish Government to the CoM and their response issued today. Copies of other useful documents can be found on the Council of Europe website and the...

Concerns on News Re: Police Ombudsman Receipt of PSNI files

The PFC is concerned at news that the PSNI are temporarily "suspending" their release of "sensitive" intelligence information to the NI Police Ombudsman, fearing it could jeapordise current investigations

Chief Constable accused of ‘spin doctoring’ in Brown murder

Statement from the family of Sean Brown issued through the Pat Finucane Centre

RUC made no effort to find loyalist murderers

A saga of sinister elements and spectacular incompetence was exposed yesterday in the police investigation of a sectarian murder in Northern Ireland.

Ombudsman Report - A Damning Indictment

SINN FEIN'S Martin McGuinness has said that the report by the Police Ombudsman into the investigation of the murder of Sean Brown by loyalists was a 'damning indictment' of the policy of collusion and cover up.

Sean Brown Report

The report of the Police Ombudsman into the RUC investigation of the 1997 loyalist murder of Sean Brown is now available online