Bernadette Friel

Bernadette Ann Friel was shot at 413 Carnhill, Derry, at 11am on Sunday, October 19, 1975 and subsequently died as a result of her injuries at Altnagelvin Hospital, Derry, at 9.45am on Tuesday, October 21, 1975. Bernadette was aged 22 years at the time of her death. She was born on October 18, 1953. Bernadette was a Catholic and had lived at 9 Donagh Place, Derry with her son Tony, aged four, her father, William Friel (now deceased) brothers Joe, Leo, John, Billy, Paul, and her two sisters Jean and Mary. Bernadette was a close friend of Thomas Ramsey's wife and occasionally stayed at her house. Also staying at the house over the weekend of October 17-20 was Hugh Stanley, the 16-year-old brother-in–law of Ramsay. The accounts given indicate that about 11 am on Sunday, October 19, 1975 Bernadette, Thomas Ramsay, Hugh Stanley, Ramsey's three children and three other young boys were downstairs. Bernadette went upstairs and Thomas Ramsay and Hugh Stanley followed her almost straight away, everyone else remained downstairs. Almost immediately a shot was heard upstairs in the small bedroom. Bernadette had sustained a single gunshot wound to the head. An ambulance was called to the house. Bernadette was found to be alive but unconscious, she was taken to Altnagelvin Hospital. At 9.45am on Tuesday, October 21, 1975, despite extensive surgery, Bernadette died from her injuries in the hospital.

55.0245197, -7.321420200000034