Pat Finucane

MI5 sought immunity for agents' criminal acts, tribunal told

MI5 agents have been granted legal immunity to participate in murder, torture, sexual assaults and other criminality, a tribunal has heard. The secret policy may, for decades, have enabled the security service to conceal illegal activity, Ben Jaffey QC told the investigatory powers tribunal. Even...

Cameron's refusal to hold public inquiry into Pat Finucane murder 'morally and legally indefensible

The Prime Minister's refusal to hold a public inquiry in to the murder of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane was morally and legally indefensible, a court has been told. A barrister representing Mr Finucane's wife Geraldine alleged David Cameron rejected an inquiry into claims of state collusion with...

Pat Finucane murder 'caused by British infiltration policy', court told

The murder of Belfast lawyer Pat Finucane was part of British state policy to infiltrate, manipulate and direct terror groups during the Northern Ireland Troubles, Belfast high court has heard. Paramilitary organisations such as the Ulster Defence Association which murdered the solicitor were able...

Judge orders Finucane documents disclosure

THE British government has been ordered to hand over minutes of cabinet meetings at which the decision was made to refuse a public inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane. Judge Ben Stephens today (Tuesday) ordered that minutes of cabinet meetings in July 2011 and correspondence between MI5 and the...

UK response to de Silva report on Pat Finucane: Lessons learnt by government departments from Sir Desmond de Silva’s Report of the Patrick Finucane Review

The Prime Minister made a statement to Parliament on lessons learnt by government from Sir Desmond de Silva’s Report of the Patrick Finucane Review. The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland appointed Sir Desmond de Silva QC in October 2011 to conduct an independent review into the question of...

Lessons learnt by government departments from Sir Desmond de Silva’s Report of the Patrick Finucane Review

When the report by Sir Desmond de Silva into the murder of Patrick Finucane was published in 2012, the Prime Minister committed to publish the lessons learnt by government departments. Departments and agencies have carefully considered the report and described both the action taken in response and...

24 years after Finucane killing, the damage limitation continues

TODAY marks 24 years since solicitor Pat Finucane was shot dead in a killing which has become a defining symbol of the state’s complicity in the Troubles. The government-commissioned report into the murder has yielded secrets of the “dirty war” which still have the power to shock – such as the...

British, Irish authorities 'aware of death threat'

Department of Foreign Affairs officials are to go through old Maryfield Secretariat files to check if there are records about the Charles Haughey government warning the Northern Ireland Office of threats to the lives of Belfast solicitors, including Pat Finucane, it was confirmed last night. They...

Britain admits collusion after 23 years, but still no public inquiry

GERALDINE Finucane has always been clear. What she needs to know about the murder of her husband is not who pulled the trigger but who was pulling their strings. She and her family have spent 23 years campaigning for the truth. Now Desmond de Silva has found that the British state colluded in Pat...

Press Statement Pat Finucane Centre

The British prime minister, David Cameron, has today described loyalist/ state collusion revealed in the de Silva review relating to the murder of solicitor Pat Finucane as "unbelievably ghastly". The Pat Finucane Centre, however, believes those words would be better applied to the British...