Army gun used in 12 murder bids

Files confirm suspicions

THE significance of the files made public in the last 48 hours is that they have delivered confirmation of what was once dismissed as a 'collusion conspiracy theory'. They represent a substantial addition to the debate on how the Troubles developed and why violence lasted so long. For the first time...

Weapon's theft recorded in every county

The 'half-truths' presented to politicians are all the more shocking when set against yet another document listing how army guns were passed to loyalists. The document entitled 'Subversion in the UDR', detailed in yesterday's Irish News, revealed how loyalists launched major weapons raids on army...

Politicians kept in the dark

The British parliamentary system places great store in its respect for the House of Commons - but the files being revealed by The Irish News show how MPs who asked questions about UDR activity, were told half-truths… Nationalist communities who believed security forces were conspiring with loyalists...

Weapon's record of terror

TEXT OF ANNEX E Annex E: A List of Terrorist Outrages In Which One of the Sub-Machine Guns Stolen in the Lurgan UDR/TAVR Centre Arms Raid on 23 October 1972 Has Subsequently Been Used.

The story of Thomas Curry

THOMAS Curry, a civilian sea captain from Lancashire, was gunned down by hooded men after going ashore in Belfast to post a letter. Capt Curry was well known at Belfast's commercial docks and he stopped for a drink in a nearby bar before returning to his vessel, the Orwell Fisher. The UDA/UFF...

Stolen army gun linked to second killing

Shocking documents show that as early as 1973 the British government knew security force collusion with loyalists was resulting in murder. In the second day of a series of special reports, we recount the murderous history of an army gun - as recorded by British military intelligence

Army gun used in 12 murder bids: Downing Street concerns over leaks to Paisley / MPs misled over collusion

British prime ministers were aware of collusion between loyalist paramilitaries, soldiers and RUC officers - and believed security forces were "handing information to" Ian Paisley. Evidence of this is contained in dramatic documents that include minutes of a Whitehall meeting where Margaret Thatcher...