Robin Jackson

PRESS STATEMENT in relation to the settlement of the Campbell family Civil Case, Monday 21 November 2022

There is something wrong with a society that forces the widow and children of Pat Campbell to have to take legal action against elements of that state to get some small level of satisfaction for the pain and hurt that was visited on the family late in the evening of Monday 29 October 1973 by then...

Excerpt from HET report on Miami Showband massacre - Robin Jackson

Jackson, who is now dead, has become one of the most notorious figures of 'The Troubles' and is sometimes referred to as 'The Jackal' in open source material. There has always been considerable speculation in some quarters that Jackson was either an agent of the security forces, or was tolerated by...

Statement of Miami Showband families and survivors in response to the findings of the Historical Enquiries Team

We, the families of Tony, Brian and Fran, as well as survivors Stephen and Des, have waited a very long time, over 36 years in fact, to learn the circumstances surrounding the deaths of our loved ones who were shot down so brutally and so callously in the early hours of a summer morning