
British military assessment of Internment in 1971

The memo from the CLF (Commander Land Forces) to the CGS (Chief of the General Staff) shows that the military command were preparing for direct rule nine months before Stormont was abolished. It includes a fictional account of the "Battle for Belfast".
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1974 Memo

Note of a meeting in the Northern Ireland Office on 13 November 1974 including officials from various ministries, the Attorney General's Office and the Treasury Solicitor's Office. The 'Counsel' referred to in the document is almost certainly the legal counsel representing the British Government at the European court case taken by the Irish Government in respect of multiple violations of...
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Arrest policy for protestants - loose minute December 1972

MoD memo discussing the criteria that might be applied 'if and when' loyalists would be detained. Refers to loyalist violence including 'comparatively harmless vigilante activity'.
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Arrest policy for protestants - loose minute

Discusses the changes that would be required and asked a fascinating question at paragraph 4! Just what did the RUC object to? See memo from AW Stephens above.
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Arrest Policy for Protestants - Memo from MoD

At point 1 (apologies for the quality of the copy) reference is made to a meeting at Stormont Castle on November 29 1972 where the GOC (General Officer Commanding - the British army) was asked to "draft an arrest policy covering the UVF and other extreme loyalist elements, though not the UDA per se."
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Arrest Policy for Protestants

Discussion of the difficulties in laying down criteria for arresting loyalist paramilitaries. 2 of 3 pages (page 3 not released)
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Internment criteria letter

Letter from Secretary of State William Whitelaw to General Officer Commanding Harry Tuzo outlining criteria for internment orders and why loyalists 'may not fall' within the new Order.
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Arrest Policy for internment of Loyalists

Outlines criteria for internment – explains why policy does not allow for arrest of loyalists except under certain circumstances. Poor quality copy but other copies below provide same detail.
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Internment- British Documents and the Irish experience

Photos from recent JFF/PFC Feile event (August 2016) with Margaret Urwin, Anne Cadwallader and Tony Brown.