Hooded Men

Supreme Court Rules PSNI Failure to Investigate 'Hooded Men' Case Illegal

‘SOMETHING AWKWARD’: WHEN CONSERVATIVE MINISTERS AUTHORISED TORTURE The Supreme Court has ruled that Northern Irish police acted illegally in failing to properly investigate the case of the so-called ‘Hooded Men’. Police torture at a British army barracks was “deliberate policy”. A 1977 letter found...

Strasbourg-Brief for Attorney General

Brief for the British Attorney General (AG) in preparation for the 'Irish state case' (the Hooded Men) from September 1972 from DS10 (the Defence Secretariat at the MoD in London). Of interest is the disinformation provided to the AG, the most senior law officer in Britain, by the Ministry of Defence. At para 4 it is claimed that Ballykelly only...


The Court of Appeal, by a majority of two to one, said it was satisfied that the treatment to which Hood ed Men had been subjected to would if it occurred today pro perly be characterised as torture , bearing in mind that the European Convention on Human Rights is a living instrument, but that the...

Ireland v UK 2018

ECHR have rejected application by Irish Government to revise the original judgement in the Hooded Men case ROI v UK 1978. The 1978 judgement found that the treatment constituted inhuman & degrading treatment, but not torture. Today the ECHR has upheld that judgement 6-1 (Judge O'Leary dissenting-...

Ministerial Memo- role of RUC in interrogation of "Hooded Men"

Memo outlining the details of a meeting between the Secretary of Sate for Northern Ireland and the Minister of State, the General Officer Commanding (Army), Private Under Secretary, Chief of General Staff and Chief of Defence Staff dated 20th October 1971. Discussion of how to get around the difficulties that the interrogations were carried out by RUC Special Branch, not...

Use of "torture" in 1971/ 72 was "a political decision"

This letter, written 31 March 1977, explicitly states that torture in Northern Ireland was a political decision made by then Secretary of State Lord Carrington.

Report from Dr. Denis Leigh regarding the death of Sean McKenna

Medical evidence linking premature death of one of the "Hooded Men", Sean McKenna, with his treatment during "interrogation in-depth" at the hands of RUC Special Branch under the instruction of the British Army.

Statement from Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs re 'Hooded Men'

Statement issued by Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan TD in which the government requests of the EcHR that the case of the 'Hooded Men' be reopened in light of new revelations.

MI5 and the 'Hooded Men'

MI5 and the Hooded Men: The role of David Eastwood in Operation Calaba In recent months, the Pat Finucane Centre has uncovered an array of new evidence pointing to the use of waterboarding and electric shock treatment by army and RUC interrogators in Northern Ireland in the 1970s.

British Lies to European Court Paved Way for Global Use of Torture

When the European Court ruled that detainees in Northern Ireland were NOT tortured but only subjected to "inhuman and degrading" treatment, it gave the green light to other regimes worldwide. New evidence shows the court's ruling was based on false evidence - yet people are still being tortured...