Human Rights, Justice, International Solidarity

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    Declassified UK, a key British investigative journalism forum, looks at Micheál Smith's new book on the Ulster Defence Regiment
  • Supreme Court Rules PSNI Failure to Investigate 'Hooded Men' Case Illegal

    ‘SOMETHING AWKWARD’: WHEN CONSERVATIVE MINISTERS AUTHORISED TORTURE The Supreme Court has ruled that Northern Irish police acted illegally in failing to properly investigate the case of the so-called ‘Hooded Men’. Police torture at a British army barracks was “deliberate policy”. A 1977 letter found...
  • The Pat Finucane Centre at Féile an Phobail 2017

    The PFC is making two presentations at this year's Féile an Phobail. (1) Torture and the Legacy of Colonialism and (2) How Statistics Are Twisted For Political Purposes
  • Police Ombudsman Asks "Is Funding Crisis" Mechanism to Prevent Truth?

    The North's Police Ombudsman Highlights A Funding Crisis And The Human Cost To Bereaved Families
  • Tamil Widow's Complaint to NI Ombudsman On RUC "Shoot-to-Kill"

    Declassified British official documents reveal that, in 1983, the RUC advised police officers in Sri Lanka on counter-insurgency methods shortly after a new "special unit" shot dead six men in County Armagh.