
File with PPS after soldier interview- McGreanery Case Update

This article by Kevin Mullan is from the Derry Journal 16.09.22 A British soldier has been interviewed under caution in connection with the fatal shooting of William McGreanery in 1971. A file has been sent to the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) to consider whether or not charges should be brought...

'The Impact on our Family was Colossal' Billy McGreanery

This article by Kevin Mullen appeared in the Derry Journal on 19th September 2022 William McGreanery’s nephew says each time he is interviewed about his uncle he is transported back to his 13 year old self. “Everytime you are involved with an interview or something happens you have to take yourself...

'I want the truth of my da's death' Jennifer Duffy

No one was brought to justice for the death of Harry Duffy. Now his family fear new legacy legislation means no one ever will.

Complaint to Bar Council of England & Wales re. Brandon Lewis from family of Billy McGreanery

We, the family of William Mc Greanery deceased, are writing to express our grave concern at the proposals by a member of the Bar of England and Wales to close down all access to justice for our family on this the anniversary of his death. Mr Brandon Lewis MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland...

Events to remember Eamon McDevitt

Statement from the family of Eamon McDevitt Today marks 50 years since my brother Eamon was shot and killed by the British army on this street. It also marks 50 years of injustice and 50 years of impunity by the British state.

PFC/ JFF Respond to British Government Amnesty claims

Reports have been published in two London newspapers this morning that the British Government intends to introduce legislation which would restrict prosecutions of their soldiers who served in Northern Ireland and which would apply to all conflict participants.

Prosecutions, Imprisonment and the Stormont House Agreement

A detailed analysis of potential legacy options as of April 2020 prepared by QUB academics and CAJ. Includes controversial proposals aimed at stimulating informed debate.

'No amnesty' call for British soldiers from Protestant victim's daughter

Daughter of Robert Ritchie McKinnie, shot dead by a member of the Parachute Regiment in the Shankill area of Belfast in September 1972, says there should be no amnesty for soldiers involved in fatal shootings.


The PFC will oppose proposals in a report from the Westminster Defence Select Committee which recommends the protection from prosecution of British soldiers and RUC personnel, regardless of the evidence against them. This "Statue of Limitations", while coupled with a "truth recovery mechanism"...