
PFC submission to UN Committee Against Torture

Submission from the Pat Finucane Centre (PFC) to the United Nations Committee Against Torture 6th Periodic Review for the UK May 2019

Legacy of Colonialism booklet

This booklet (attached) provides information about PFC's 'Legacy of Colonialism' exhibition, including further details of the military and civilian costs in each conflict area.

Event "Beating the natives"

“Throughout Britain's colonial history, in Kenya, Yemen, Malaya and elsewhere, London broke all accepted moral and legal standards by torturing its opponents. Ireland was no different with British 'water-boarding' detainee thirty years before the USA did the same in Guantanamo. Using statements made...

Event to Mark International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

26th June marks the International Day in Support of the Victims of Torture. The PFC, along with our colleagues in CAJ, Amnesty International and Matrix Chambers marked the day by outlining evidence of torture carried out by the RUC and British Army during the 1970's in the north of Ireland at an...

Waterboarding claims in Northern Ireland

Donald Trump has drawn outrage across the world, including Britain, after he condoned waterboarding and torture. But tonight this programme can reveal allegations that warterboarding and electric shock torture were used by the Parachute Regiment against prisoners in Northern Ireland in the 1970s...

PFC seeking information on waterboarding victims

The Pat Finucane Centre is seeking the help to identity two victims of waterboarding in Belfast in 1972. At least four cases have recently come to light and the centre has already spoken to two of the victims. According to declassified documents discovered by the PFC concerns were raised by...

Evidence of Waterboarding in Belfast

PM May challenged to distance herself from torture supporting Trump